Monday, January 7, 2008

Laser Hair Loss Treatment

Laser, light or phototherapy has a long history of being effective in the treatment of many diseases including post surgery healing. Laser hair loss treatment is slowly gaining popularity in many men and women from across the globe. To help you understand how it works, please read below.

How does hair restoration of this type help in problems such as hair thinning?

Hair thinning may be due to a lot of factors, such as genetic characteristic, illness or stress. Arresting the cause may reverse hair thinning, however for any other case light therapy may be helpful, and laser hair loss treatment might be a great option for your thinning hair if the loss is still early in diagnosis.

Light therapy or lasers helps grow healthy new hair. How does it work?

1. Hair falls happen after a resting phase. Problems with hair thinning will happen if the fallen hair is not replaced by new ones.
2. If the hair follicles do not receive proper nutrients from the body, they may not be able to generate new hair. Hair density will therefore lessen.
3. If the scalp is clogged with dirt coming from oil, it may not be able to circular the blood properly and help the hair follicles grow hair.
4. Lasers can unclog the blood vessels delivering the required nutrients in the hair follicles.
5. Laser hair replacement will likewise help the scalp by inducing proper blood circulation.
6. Laser hair loss treatment will then help grow new hairs because it helps feed the hair with the required nutrients.

As a result, light therapy will induce the growth of new and healthy hair. The result of light therapy is avoidance of thinning hair and the growth of new and healthy hair. Although referred to often as laser hair replacement, this procedure does not replace hair at all - in fact it simply improves the conditions on the scalp for current follicles.

There are a number of laser light therapies and you will see some of them on the internet. In this case, may I tell you that your hair care professional might have a light therapy in mind and this is the advice that you may need to follow.

This is because your hair care professional is the person you will consult anyway if any problem arises during treatment for hair loss using lasers.

Again, I may need to mention that there are illnesses, drugs and conditions such as stress and fatigue that may cause hair thinning. If you feel that hair thinning is related to a medical condition, your doctor will be the best to give you an advice if laer hair restoration may treat your hair thinning problem or not. If it does, well and good, but if he tells you that certain medication needs to be taken to reverse your hair thinning problem, then may be it is the advice you need to follow.

Your hair is important, for both men and women; hair thinning may cause social insecurity, feeling of less attractive and loss of self-confidence. To avoid this, you may need to know what is causing your problem and how you can arrest that problem.

In many cases, laser hair loss treatments in general have proven to be effective. Science has given us the best treatments to all our health problems but lifestyle likewise plays an important role.

Keep your health in check and you surely will wear your hair proud with or without light therapy for thinning hair.
Today’s hectic lifestyles, stress and drugs lead to hair loss in most people. This hair loss is diagnosed according to its cause and which may be a change in hormones, aging or heredity. In such cases hair replacement systems may be suggested as a treatment.

Hair replacement for men and women is surgery considered to be a reconstructive form of treatment, and is covered by health insurance. Once you and your doctor decide that weighing the benefit and cost hair replacement is the best choice to help your hair loss problem, your doctor will refer you to a competent plastic surgery to implement the procedure. However though hair replacement surgery may enhance your appearance and self confidence, you may not be happy with the results. So make sure you discuss your expectations with the surgeon before venturing into hair replacement for men or women.

You can undergo hair replacement if you have healthy hair growth on the back and sides of your head as these patches of hair act as donor areas where grafts and flaps of hair are taken. Even hair color, texture and waviness or curliness of your hair play an important part in your hair replacement surgery.

There are numerous hair replacement and medical hair restoration techniques used in surgery where sometimes two or more techniques are used to get the best results from the surgery. Transplant techniques like mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts, punch grafts and strip grafts are better for patients needing a modest change in their hair fullness. However, those who need a more dramatic change should try out flaps, scalp reduction and tissue expansion. People with very little hair are better off avoiding hair replacement surgery.

This procedure is safe if done by a qualified and experienced physician. However as different people differ in their physical reactions and healing abilities, it is rather difficult to predict the outcome of hair replacement in men and women. Moreover, like all surgical procedures, there is a chance of an infection taking place, excessive bleeding and scars occurring with hair replacement.

There is also a risk of hair grafts ‘not taking’ in the hair replacement system. Although hair in the plugs tend to fall out in its new location, sometimes the skin plug may die, and thus the need of a repetition of the hair replacement surgery. There may be small bumps on the transplanted area of the scalp which can be camouflaged using surrounding hair.

Although often called laser hair replacement, hair loss therapy using lasers is not actuall a replacement method. Instead this new technology involves using lasers to declog exisitng follicles and allow the follicles to recieve more nutrients thereby increasing hair growth